Letters to the Editor

Letter to the editor
Sergeant Bluff Advocate
     If Democrat voters were to “walk the talk”, here's a short list of some of the things they'd be doing to comport with their political party’s positions on various societal issues.

  1. They would have taken in an illegal immigrant family, providing food, shelter, health insurance, transportation and private school tuition for school age children.
  2. They would own only one fully electric car.
  3. They would have no liquid fuel mower. Leaf-blower or other similar devices.
  4. No wood-fired fireplace or outdoor fire pit or charcoal fired grill or smoker allowed.
  5. Their home has no natural gas appliances - all electric, high efficiency units only.
  6. The entire roof of their home is covered with solar panels.
  7. The children all walk, bike or ride the bus to school each day.
  8. No consumption of liquids from disposable bottles occurs in this family - they all drink tap water.
  9. Shopping using reusable bags ONLY.
  10. All family members are vegan, consuming no meat or dairy products.
  11. The family home, with two or fewer children, is the smallest possible structure on a very tiny lot to minimize the “carbon footprint” of the family.
  12. They live in a community where “defunding the police” is a functioning edict.
  13. No guns are to be found on the property.
  14. Criminals are welcome to settle in their community and may use any drug of choice without fear of arrest or incarceration.
     Of all the people whom I know, and are proud to claim they are hard-core Democrats, I don't know of a single one who can “check-all-the-boxes” above when it comes to fulfilling the tenets of their party.  Perhaps these folks should adhere to the sage advice billionaire Charlie Munger once gave to his partner, Warren Buffet: “ Never sell to someone, that which you would never buy yourself”. Our country currently resembles the Titanic on its voyage into the future, and half of the persons on board are cheering for the iceberg just ahead! They apparently don't realize that we're all on the same boat.      Lon Zimmerman, Sergeant Bluff, IA